99 CENTS TILL 2019

Hey folks! As a special year end promotion, we're offering the ebook edition of my debut sci-fi/fantasy novel, Percival Gynt and the Conspiracy of Days, for only 99¢ through New Year's Eve. And if you enjoy it, please consider leaving a brief (or voluminous) review on Amazon!

(NOTE: If you don't see the offer immediately, try back after 12pm ET.)

Now, I know what you're thinking!

"Drew," you're thinking. (We're on a first name basis in your head. That's nice!) "Drew, didn't you just offer the ebook to me FOR FREE last month? And doesn't 99¢ COST MORE THAN FREE???"

Well, okay, but did you actually download my book when it was free last month? DID YOU, PERSON-WHO-IS-ON-A-FIRST-NAME-BASIS-WITH-ME-IN-YOUR-HEAD-BUT-WHOSE-NAME-I-DO-NOT-KNOW-BUT-LET'S-ASSUME-CARL??? (For short, I will call you Carl.)

Except your punishment, Carl. Buy the book.

Because 99¢ is still less than the everyday price of $4.99, which is what those suckers in 2019 are gonna have to pay.

"But Drew," you-Carl think, "I AM one of those suckers. I am out of town and not reading about this offer till I get back on January 6th!"

Well, Carl, you got me there. I'm sorry I called you a sucker.

Also, I'm sorry I called you Carl, if it turns out that's not your name. Also, if your name IS Carl, I expect you to be at least a little impressed.

Also, what's it like in the future? Do we have jetpacks on January 6th?

(I bet we have jetpacks.)

In summary: Please buy my ebook this week, not-Carl. You will enjoy it.